Louis Vuitton Monogram Eclipse Saumur Backpack 1179481
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Once we have shipped out your order, you could be provided with a monitoring number and can then anticipate to receive your bundle throughout the following three to 6 business days. Classic double-sided Saumur messenger bag rendered in Louis Vuitton’s iconic Monogram coated canvas, that includes pure Vachetta leather-based trim and accented with gold-tone brass hardware. You can return your item by shipment or in one of our shops.For extra data regarding returns, please examine our return & refund coverage. This means all our shipments require a signature upon delivery.
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This is an genuine LOUIS VUITTON Monogram Eclipse Saumur Backpack. This enticing backpack is crafted of Louis Vuitton monogram on toile coated canvas in gray. The bag options adjustable black leather shoulder straps and an identical high flap with black belts and matte buckles. This flap opens to a very spacious black fabric inside with a laptop computer compartment and patched pockets. Some things in life age like fantastic wine- luxury equipment included.
The Louis Vuitton Saumur Backpack M45913 is a contemporary take on the iconic Saumur bag from 1986. It includes a discreet and chic Monogram Eclipse coated canvas with black cowhide leather-based trim and black hardware. The backpack has a signature buckled strap that conceals a magnetic closure, adding to its modern design. The secure drawstring ensures that your belongings are secure and secure. What differentiates us from othersThere are 1000’s of replica purses sell on web site designer bag replicas, why are all the value different?
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The addition of true classic amplifies any assortment, rounding out the depth of style that sometimes shiny, new bags simply can not. Enjoy our edit of Exceptionally Loved luxurious items that – even with scars and bruises – are still beautiful. Please enable 2 business days for processing and handling upon inserting your order.
$10 Ground Shipping & Free Returns on most items.If for any reason you are not glad together with your purchase it could be returned within 7 days after delivery for a refund (unless the merchandise is marked as last sale). The black leather details on the backpack evoke the House’s heritage, adding to its timeless attraction. The Saumur backpack is perfect for individuals who want a fashionable and useful backpack that can be used for work or play.
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